Monday, June 13, 2011

Yummy Nummy Trail connection

Comfortably Numb is highly regarded as The Epic trail of the Whistler valley and rightfully so. A beautiful trail design using the natural lay of the land, but also a long day on the trail for most.

Yummy Nummy, which opened up last year now connects you to the flowy rock slab section near the end of Comfortably Numb and gets you there in direct fashion. Last night a crew from Arbutus Routes headed out to check out the new connection to Yummy Nummy that avoids the golf course and is a great piece of trail that climbs up with the aid of some well crafted bridge work. Trail crews did a great job with the new connection to avoid any conflicts with Golf Course staff and ensuring the success of the new trail.

Yummy Nummy is the high point of the ride and yesterday there was still small patches of snow out there, but nothing that would slow you up and is a great connection that I'm sure will see lots of riders this summer. With the final day of the BC Bike race rolling along Yummy Nummy in addition to other trails, I can only see this trail getting better and becoming a local classic. It will be challenge for the final stage of the BC Bike race, but one that I'm sure all the racers will love if they still have some energy left in the tank.

Also wanted to note that there was cell reception on the trail as there is a large section of Comfortably Numb without it.

Enjoy the ride

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