Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Travel Planning

The early winter is a very exciting time here in Whistler. The mountain is now open and with a solid base, we all now watch the forecasts religiously to see when the next storm is about to arrive. As I look outside right now, I can see that next storm is arriving right now and will be bringing smiles throughout the town.

This time of year is also a prime time to start planning our next summer trips as we get together with the family over the holidays. Maybe it's time for Family trip to Whistler to see the best in Biking and Hiking or maybe you're thinking of going a little deeper in the mountains for a more remote Adventure Travel trip in BC. Lots of great options out there as we are truly blessed with incredible natural surrounding.

At Arbutus Routes, the winter is our time to plan our newest adventures and work with you to custom design a personalized adventure in BC.

Have a great Holiday Season and we look forward to hearing from you in the New Year. Enjoy the snow!

All the best from the team at Arbutus Routes-

1 comment:

  1. A vacation trip in winter makes lot of enjoyment during trip. Everybody love winter paces specially those who come from summer places.
